IN THE DIVINE CONSPIRACY Dallas Willard writes, “Asking is indeed the great law o the spiritual world through which things are accomplished in cooperation with God and yet in harmony with the freedom and worth of every individual.” Requests anticipate responses. Willard suggests that even the dog begging at your feet puts you “up against a fundamental force of the universe.” Requests have the power to move us. Some of us have a propensity to say yes to requests because we like to please. Others immediately say no because we don’t like feeing obligated.
God tells us to ask him for what we need, regardless of our own intuitive responses to requests. He wants us to know that he’s invested in us and concerned about our lives and world. The Almighty One wants our prayers. In fact, God will change this world through them….
Intercession is one of the ways God invites us into the heart of the Trinity. As we keep company with Jesus through intercession, we begin to see the world and the people in it from his perspective and heart. Increasingly we long for the same things he longs for. The Holy Spirit guides our intercessions so they sound more and more like Jesus’ own intercessions for this world: “Your kingdom come; your will be done.”
When we interceded, it is important to humble trust that the King of all creation can bring in the kingdom no matter what our circumstances look like.
Intercession is not always an easy thing to do. It can engage us deeply in the spiritual battle. Prayer warriors know that the point of intercessory prayer is to remain faithful and trusting. Being involved in intercessory prayer does not necessarily mean you’ll feel great strength, power and joy. The point is to pray, persist and commit the battle to the Lord.
At times our trust wavers and we don’t know how to pray, can’t find words to pray and are too distressed to pray. At those moments we have the assurance that God prays. The Holy Spirit, who inhabits our being, personally tutors us in praying and even intercepts for us when we are unable to articulate our hearts to God. The Spirit intercedes with “groans that words cannot express” (Romans 8:26). Furthermore, Jesus is seated at the right hand of the Father, interceding for us as well (Romans 8:34). We are never left alone. God is with us and praying for us.
1. Use the Lord’s Prayer as a pattern for intercession.
- “Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name.” Spend some time thanking God for his fatherly love and attention. Ponder who he is and adore his majesty, holiness, sovereignty, goodness and beauty.
- “Your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” Turn your intercession to God’s purposes in the wold. Where are you trying to bring your kingdom rather than putting your efforts toward God’s kingdom agenda? Consider what God’s kingdom agenda might be in your relationships and in the world. Pray for these things. What might partnering with God around his will look like?
- “Give us today our daily bread.” Pray for your needs and those whose lives are closely linked with your won. Pray for those who are in danger, suffering and in places of decision-making or costly love.
- “Forgive us our debts as we also have forgiven our debtors.” Confess your grudges, bitterness and oversensitivity; dwell at the foot of the cross. Thank God for what it is like to be forgiven.
- “And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.” As you look ahed into your day, notice the tasks and transactions ahead of you. Where might you get off track? Become aware of the ways you may be tempted to spin the truth, manage your image, live out your false self, lose your patience or envy another. Pray for the Spirit to work in you to change you. Ask for protection and courage for the day.
- “For yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever.” End your time of intercession with prayers of trust in God’s goodness and his redemptive plan.
2. Pay attention to the moments with people come to mind. Sometimes they come to you out of the blue. As a person comes to mind, offer him or her up to the Lord.
3. Place yourself in the presence of God, bringing your concern with you. Ask God to show you if there is anything you need to surrender in order to better join him in your concerns. If something comes to mind, offer it to God. Ask God if there is anything he wants you to do about his concern or is you are to leave him to do the praying.
4. As you begin a task or transaction, commit your efforts to the Lord. Dedicate this time to the Lord. Ask the Lord to use your efforts for his glory and the good of the world.
5. Create an intercession journal with pictures of people, places, and concerns for with you wish to pray. Record answers to prayer beside the photos in your journal.
6. Create a weekly prayer list. Vary the topics of prayer for each day.